What is Global North and Global South?

India hosted a summit called voice of Global south, India invited 120 countries, that fall in South . This event  was covered by media across world. We will discuss this summit but, let  us first discuss what is Global North  and Global South. We will discuss what about Voice of Global south in next blog post. Link in bottom.
In this blog post we will discuss about what is Global North and Global South, How it came to existence.Its Impact on world.
The terms "Global North" and "Global South" were first used in the 1970s to describe the divide between the industrialized, developed countries of the Northern Hemisphere and the developing countries of the Southern Hemisphere. The Global North is generally considered to include North America, Western Europe, and Japan, while the Global South includes Africa, Latin America, and much of Asia.
If you want to know the historical background how global north and global south divided came into existence go through these links: 
(Bdandt line divides globe into two half's.)
 "Brandt Line" was by former German Chancellor Willy Brandt in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Brandt Line is a visual representation of the economic divide between the Global North and Global South, with the line separating the countries of the North (which are considered to be economically developed) from the countries of the South (which are considered to be economically underdeveloped). The Brandt Line is often used as a tool to analyze the economic disparities between the two regions, and to identify the causes of these disparities.

The origins of the divide between the Global North and Global South can be traced back to the colonial era, when European powers established colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These colonies were exploited for their resources and labor, and the colonizers extracted wealth from these territories without investing in their economic development. This pattern of exploitation and underdevelopment continued after many of these colonies gained independence in the 20th century.

In the post-World War II era, the Global North experienced rapid economic growth and development, while the Global South remained largely stagnant. This was due in part to the Cold War, during which the United States and the Soviet Union competed for influence in the developing world. This competition often took the form of proxy wars and support for authoritarian regimes in the Global South, which hindered economic development and political stability in these regions.

In addition to these historical factors, there are also structural factors that have contributed to the divide between the Global North and Global South. For example, the global economic system is heavily skewed in favor of the Global North, with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund often imposing economic policies on developing countries that prioritize the interests of the Global North over those of the Global South. Additionally, trade agreements and investment flows tend to favor the Global North over the Global South, further exacerbating economic disparities between the two regions.

In conclusion, the terms "Global North" and "Global South" were first used in the 1970s to describe the divide between the industrialized, developed countries of the Northern Hemisphere and the developing countries of the Southern Hemisphere. The Brandt Line, coined by Willy Brandt, is a visual representation of the economic divide between the two regions, and the origins of the divide can be traced back to the colonial era and the post-World War II era. The divide between Global North and South is also perpetuated by the structural factors such as the global economic system, trade agreements, and investment flows which heavily favor the Global North over the Global South.
You can also go through this youtube link to understand better.


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